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Monday, January 2, 2012

7 Reasons Why People Gain Weight

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Fat. Squishy, hanging over the pants, clothes too small, mushy, unattractive, hard to loose, and I wish it never existed fat. Media hates it, and even at an early age people/kids make fun of you for having it. Society in some ways, especially now-a-days is meant to be fat. 

There is so much TV, video games, and comfort indoors why even go outdoors or work out. Well, for one because it feels good, in fact it feels great! It improves your health (emotional and physical), your energy, your focus, the list goes on.

Is there a fine line between comfortable weight and unhealthy weight. If so, what is it? And why do people get overweight and fat in the first place?

1) Some believe that sleep (or rather lack of) can play a large part in weight gain. I know quite a few people that will eat when they are tired instead of taking the adequate rest they need for themselves. 

2) Sometimes medications can take a strong play in how you are feeling, your equilibrium, your energy, including your inner balance and connection with how you feel about food and your body. Talk to your doctor, evaluate your medication's side effects, search for an effective answer with him or her. Some of the most common med's that cause weight gain are:  Steroids, Heartburn medications, High blood pressure medications, Antipsychotics, Antiseizure medications, Diabetes medications, and Antidepressants. Remember to talk to your doctor, because the side effects of removing yourself from the medication(s) may be worse than a few extra pounds.


3) Stress, family, achievements, school, work, life.  The responsibilities can pile on and on and soon you have stress.  Unless you have good coping methods to handle stress. Note: Food is not a healthy coping method, unless of course you are truly hungry. I was taught to never eat when I am emotional. Instead, deal with those feelings, work through them, and then eat a healthy planned meal.

4) Unknown medical conditions can play a big role in weight gain. Maybe something is out of balance with your body, or maybe you have an organ failure such as your thyroid and do not even know it. Well you can always do what I do..LOL. Try to find my diagnosis online, freak out, end up eating and then go to sleep. Or maybe, go see a doctor, explain your situation and move onto something better.

5) Menopause, the slow decrease of your normally occurring hormones can actually create weight gain.  Most women reach menopause in the mid-life age range (40's-50's), although it tends to vary depending on the woman and her physical circumstances. Also something to discuss with your doctor or midwife, there are so many options out there today, whether you want to go with just pharmaceutical or herbal, it is worth searching out a solution to feel better. This is, this is your life, today. Today is the day to improve, feel better and live to fullest.

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6) Emotions and dissatisfaction includes eating because it is an acceptable and a convenient way to deal with your feelings, although not necessarily healthy. I see people do so, heck I have done so. Marriage, kids, name it. Doesn't a jelly donut and a Frappacino make it all better?  It does for a bit but a continuos habit can be, well not so good. For one, physically the pounds start to add up. And two, if you are stuffing your feelings you are not dealing with them. So they will eventually build and blow. Feelings are meant to be expressed, it is just finding a healthy way to incorporate them into your expression. Easier said than done, but for me necessary for my own health and well being.

7) Blood sugar and starvation can be triggers for some. Following an adequate food regimen (doctor, dietician or self-prescribed) may help to decrease your unplanned food intake. Starvation can also be a trigger for weight gain. Two thoughts on that is that your body goes into survival mode and thinks that you are starving and therefore stores the food for energy as fat for future starvations. 

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If you are anything like me, when I starve and then finally go to eat, I tend to eat unplanned fatty and sugary foods that are not what I really want anyway. Sometimes just keeping a high protein, low fat, low sugar, combo food plan will help to decrease those nasty binges and plummeting blood sugar levels. 

I am sure I have missed some reasons, however if you have anything to add I would love to hear your feedback.
Take care, and be well!

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