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Monday, December 26, 2011

Done With The Holiday's? Detox Fast!

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The holidays are almost over, but if you are like me I feel as though I have taken in a bit more than I needed and not my normal style of "healthy" eating, than check out his easy and fun detox!

Here are some tips for detoxing after the holiday's:

Coffee, tea (non-fat creamer) no sugar, or xylitol if you need the sweetness.
1 cup of non-fat greek yogurt/ with 1/2 cup fruit
Honey or fruit jam for sweetener.

2) Snack:
Water, and veggies. Make it easy for yourself and keep a container of veggies  (carrots, celery, cucumbers, tomatoes, snap-peas etc.) cut up and easy to access when your belly starts to growl. If you are still hungry a glass of non-fat milk or try hemp milk for a fun change (available at Trader Joe's).

3) Lunch:
Steam some veggies, for some extra flavor add a tsp. of soy sauce or/and sesame oil. Shredded baked chicken breast, is a great all day high protein filler. Mix them all together for a healthy and appetizing lunch.

4) Dinner:
It's been a long day and you have eaten light all day, and you are a little more energetic because of the cleansing food choices, so you continue your positive food choices with a large salad. Have fun with it, think about what you want to eat. Remember the best salad you have ever had and make it. My favorite salad is from a nice Italian restaurant we would frequent for family events. The owner was always present at the front door and would take each woman with a smile to their seats and find some way to make them smile or laugh. Maybe it was the atmosphere or the food or both.

But the salad consisted of large chunks of fresh Romaine lettuce, with big fat square of feta (reduced fat or fat-free can be substituted) and big gorgeous gourmet olives, with ripe red Roma tomatoes cut long ways in 1/3's and finely topped with a tangy House dressing. None I am sure was on my detox diet today, however there are always substitutions that can be made.
  • Feta- Substituted with Fat-Free or Low-Fat Feta
  • House Dressing- Substituted with Olive Oil and Vinegar or Non-Fat or Fat-Free Dressing
  • Don't forget protein, chicken, tuna with lemon juice, or sliced up turkey.
  • Protein is a great way to keep that full feeling and your blood sugar even.
I will admit I like a sweet flavor after dinner, and fruit is a great way to achieve this. It seems you can do just about anything with it. Marinate it, grill it, bake it. Try some frozen fruit with a drizzle of honey and non-fat milk. Or throw it in a the blender for a mock-milkshake.

Remember: Eat what you love and love what you eat, just do it healthy!

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