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Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Think Thin Today

Don't dig your grave with your own knife and fork.  ~English Proverb

In today's world it is easy to run from one place to the next, work to home, kids, school work and so much more. Days advance into weeks and weeks into years, and bad eating and lifestyle habits add the pounds. 

When a person (male or female) uses food as an emotional crutch in their lives, its like operating a car with only half of the engine running. Life is great and wonderful and feeling can be dealt with in other ways that eating them away. 

Eating is an accepted outlet, unlike drinking and drugs. It is not viewed in a negative judgmental way by most, but instead people tend not notice if you are 12-30 even 40lbs over weight. And even though media shoves thin down our throats to the point of unhealthy habits in both sexes, today can be different.

Today can be your change. It may not happen quickly, but if you continue on the path of improvement things will change! With an open mind and an open heart your life is waiting for you. 

Your life you were truly meant to live! Healthy, free of the extra weight, and emotional baggage, excepting of your situations today and choosing to move forward to something better.

 I see you right now with the strength and discipline to move forward into something better for yourself and begin to develop the greatness that is already within you!

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