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Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Firm Those Thighs!

Thighs, they can be hidden. However when you feel good about them it is a pleasure to show them off. Keep in mind that diet and excercise play a huge part in the overall success of your body's shape and muscle tone, however we are just talking about thighs here nothing else.

To help tone up for summer I will be writiing a few blogs that focus on certain bathing suit worthy areas of the body. Just a thought on quick fixes such as cosmetic surgery or even liposuction, these are great concepts but are not a permanent fix. Sooner or later you will have to learn to take care of those sexy inner and outer thighs.

Part 1: Firmin' Up Your Sexy Thighs

Question: Where exactly are your thighs?
Answer: Wikipedia states that "In humans the thigh is the area between the pelvis and the knee." This means the front, inside, outside and the back side of the leg.

Photo courtesy of: Fine Cosmetic Surgery

Question: Why do thighs get fat?
Answer: Scientific America states that  the following criteria work to determine what your thighs will look like:

  • Hormones
  • Women store fat differently than women
  • Cellulite appears as body fat is gained
  • Age
  • Exercise
  • Food choices

Video: Best Thigh Thinning Exercises