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Thursday, February 4, 2021

Boot Camp: Day 7 - Top 10 Weight Loss Camps - Balance ME Teen Weight Loss

The Balance ME weight loss camp what about the teens? It’s rough being an overweight young adult but not at Balance ME. Their motto states "Sprinkle in fun, fitness, and friendship and you have the best weight loss camps anywhere.”
Weight Loss Diet Motivation
There is no elevator to success, so take the stairs.

This camp is specially designed for the young adult ages 10 through 20 years old, with an emphasis on eating and health education. At BalanceME weight loss camp is not just a journey but a destination. This is the basis for many successful spiritual and healing programs.

Instead of focusing on I am going to lose weight and I will weigh 135 pounds no matter what, a journey takes you through the process. While allowing you to be present in the moments of discovery and healing. These are vital keys to remaining healthy and incorporating healthy habits into your daily lifestyle.

BalanceME offers young adults a chance to become educated on the “hows” and “whats" to eat. Many adults don’t even know this, how is it expected for the kids to know. Media sure as heck does not teach us how to eat. Unless you are an avid watcher of Dr OZ, which is not most teenagers' favorites. Teens may start thin and eat whatever they want, then as they get older and become less active gain an excess of weight. Simply because food is always around, they have become less active due to homework, computers, and video games.  Or maybe they are just eating the wrong types of food. 


And just like adults teens and young adults can take on behaviors to protect themselves, unfortunately, food is a safe addiction. Safe meaning, not relating to hard drugs, alcohol or cigarettes. Socially food can be safe, in most cases, it is more acceptable to be overweight than it is to be an alcoholic.

A teen’s lack of self-esteem relating to their body and their ability to control their food can play a huge part in their development as an adult. Giving them the tools to succeed. Isn’t that what all parents want, a successful, healthy, and confident teen?


Teens can grow to be unresponsive to a parent's help, so sometimes obtaining outside help can benefit everyone. What a better way to help your teens than by providing them with the foundation to be a solid adult and the confidence to follow. 
For more information visit: BalanceME