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Friday, June 9, 2023

The Best Graduation Poems for Middle School to High Schoolers

Poem #1

Ode to Middle School
Middle school days are now behind us,

We're moving on to something new.

It's time to spread our wings and fly,

Into the unknown that awaits us too.

High School is where we'll soon reside,

A place where we'll learn and grow.

And though it might be daunting,

We'll make it through, don't you know!

New classes and new faces,

New challenges to overcome.

But we'll take them on with vigor,

And come out on top when they're done.

We'll form new bonds, make new friends,

And share experiences we'll remember.

We'll learn about ourselves and others,

And grow wiser in the process, just you wait and see.

So let's raise a glass to all we've achieved,

And a toast to what's yet to come.

Our Middle School chapter is now over,

And High School, we are ready to welcome! 


Poem #2

Oh Dearest Middle School, Shall we never meet again!

From the halls of middle school we journeyed,

With books and backpacks heavy, we trudged,

Through math equations and scientific theories,

And history lessons that left us teary.

But now we stand at the dawn of new beginnings,

Ready to take on high school with all our winnings,

Our minds sharp and our hearts full of hope,

To conquer the obstacles and learn to cope.

We bid farewell to the days of teachers and bells,

And hello to the years of forging our tales,

As we move on to greater things in life,

Where we'll face challenges and embrace strife.

But fear not, dear friends, for we are strong,

And we will march to the beat of our own song,

With courage and determination in our hearts,

We'll overcome every obstacle that life imparts.

So here's to the class of middle school graduates,

May our future be bright and ever clear,

As we forge ahead onto the next phase of our lives,

With our wit and wisdom, and fearless vibes.

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