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Thursday, March 17, 2022

5-Step Method to Address a Customer's Request for IT Support

My 5-step method to address a customer's request for IT support. This simplified process allows for me to calmly and thoroughly assist the customer (or person in need of technical support). 

 Step 1:
Identify the customer's problem = Some problems are simple to solve, some problems take longer. Overall the first step is to identify what problem the customer is facing. Understanding their problem will enable me to find the correct solution. 

Step 2:
Determine the customer's level of technical expertise = is the customer able to understand technical terms or should I simplify the process? A basic understanding of their knowledge will help me to provide them with accurate and effective instructions. 

 Step 3:
Provide a solution = Using the guidelines provided to me I will provide the customer with a solution. 

 Step 4:
Be supportive = technical issues can be very stressful and not everyone deals with them the same way. Some people yell, others cry, being supportive can make a big difference. 

 Step 5:
Finalize and follow up = determine if the fix worked and follow up if necessary. 

To sum it up this is my procedure in helping others with their technical issues.

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