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Saturday, January 14, 2012

Ten Great Snacks That Will Tide You Over!

Morning or mid-day depending on the intensity of my workouts I get hungry. And I need to fuel up on a good snack. If I try to ignore the hunger and convince myself that food isn't important or I need to loose some extra pounds so a little starvation will not hurt me, then really I am just hurting myself. Because as soon as I am around food I will gorge my hunger, and usually with the wrong food.  A Chef  by Trade, I acknowledge that food is important and should be enjoyed. And this can be done by planning ahead. Here are ten easy snacks to choose from, pick and choose the time of day to enjoy them.  My current daytime work atmosphere consists of a standard office job, with no facilities to cook. Just a refrigerator and a small microwave. So here it goes, some creative inspiration to fuel your healthy appetite:

  1. Celery and nut butter, or for a low-fat option try low or no-fat cream cheese. Spice up your cream cheese flavor with some fresh herbs (parsley, basil, thyme, or all of them). Very simple preparation includes, 8oz of no fat or low fat cream cheese, a hand full of rinsed and dried herbs, a pinch of salt and 1 tablespoon of skim milk or water. Sun-dried tomatoes are also a great addition, low-fat and high vitamins.
  2. Baked chips and salsa. Don't let yourself eat the whole bag, so before you start eating portion  yourself and do not go back for seconds.
  3. Raw veggies and hummus. My favorites are carrots, cukes, cherry tomatoes and apples for a savory and sweet flavor.
  4. Medium sized bran muffin, if you are having a sweet tooth drizzle a little warm honey on the top.
  5. Greek yogurt (plain and non-fat). Trader Joe's makes a great Greek yogurt. There handy small sizzled portions do well and are usually pretty low in sugar.
  6. Low-fat popcorn.
  7. Raw veggies, baked chix and a handful of pasta. Top it with 2 tsp of dressing (Caesar or Balsamic Vinaigrette make a great addition).
  8. High-protein, low-sugar smoothie. Find yourself a good all inclusive protein powder. I use a brand put out by Nutri-Shop a local business in OC, CA.  1/3 frozen banana, 1/2 tsp Spirilina, ice and fill it up with non-fat milk. Blend and drink.
  9. Low-Non Fat Cottage Cheese with a spoonful of jam.
  10. Turkey/Cheese Roll. Ditch the bread and go for the good stuff. Roll up one slice of cheese and a few slices of turkey, add a bit of mayo to the middle.
Eat up and enjoy your food while you delight in the greatness of health.

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